

The Superstition of Pessimism

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 236  |  December 03, 1975

When you reach a certain level of awareness you will come across an attitude that says, “If I believe in the positive, I will be disappointed, and I may chase it away by my very belief in it. It may be smarter to believe that nothing good can happen to me, that I cannot ever change, that I cannot ever grow out of my obstructions.” This is a game, a kind of deliberate but destructive playfulness, which is based on nothing but superstition.


Three Basic Personality Types: Reason, Will, Emotion

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 43  |  January 02, 1959

There are three basic types of human personality. The first type governs his or her life and reactions mainly with reason. The second type does so mainly with emotion, and the third does so with the will. In other words, the three personality types are dominated by reason, by emotion, and by will. In your self-search it will be useful for you to find out which type you are. A personality is never completely one-sided; every person is a mixture of types, but one is always predominant. In some cases, the predominance is obvious; in others, the mixture is more complicated, and therefore the predominant type is more difficult to detect.