Letting go


The Spiritual and the Practical Meaning of “Let Go, Let God”

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 213  |  September 19, 1973

Letting go obviously means letting go of the limited ego with its selfwill, its narrow understanding and its preconceptions. It means letting go of fears, distrust, misconceptions, and suspicion. But it also means letting go of the insistent attitude that says, in effect, “I can be happy only if so and so does thus and thus, or if life responds exactly as I determine.”


The Life Energy Centers

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 172  |  March 28, 1969

What determines the proper function of the life force in the human being, and hence of the energy centers, can be understood only if we gain a view of the entire structure of the human personality. For this, some recapitulation is necessary. The life force is the creative force that enlivens the whole universe. It contains all life elements, all potentials, every possibility for life expression.


The Ego’s Cooperation With or Obstruction of the Real Self

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 158  |  December 08, 1967

The moment you transcend dualism, two opposite and apparently mutually exclusive aspects become equally true. This applies to the ego in relation to the real self. It is true when one says the ego’s predominance, its exaggerated strength, is the greatest hindrance to productive living. And it is equally true when one says a weak ego is incapable of establishing healthy living.


Questions and Answers

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 156  |  October 27, 1967

On your path, you begin to come face to face with your images. That is, you begin to feel how you emotionally react according to them, you experience their reality, you connect with them, as opposed to before, when this was not the case. Certain emotional experiences come out from the depths of your being, but it is just the beginning.


Pulsation of Consciousness

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 154  |  September 15, 1967

Let me briefly enumerate certain basic aspects about pulsation. Everything that lives must pulsate, as it must breathe and move. Therefore pulsation and breathing are interrelated. The movement of life is contained in both. The movement is involuntary and occurs in rhythmic intervals, provided the organism is healthy, harmonious and undisturbed.


Return to the Original Level of Perfection

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 141  |  March 18, 1966

Every once in a while it is important to restate what the pathwork is and what it is supposed to accomplish. It is important to always see this in a new light, from different angles. This path is not supposed to be taken as a cure, nor is it to be taken as a luxury —


Finding True Abundance by Going Through Your Fear

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 130  |  January 08, 1965

There are two philosophies about life and spiritual reality which seem completely contradictory. One says that the spiritually and emotionally mature person has to learn to accept the difficulties in life. In order to cope with life, people have to accept what they cannot immediately change, what is beyond their direct sphere of influence.


Self-Fulfillment Through Self-Realization as Man or Woman

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 122  |  February 07, 1964

All who fulfill themselves contribute something to life. They enrich life not merely by using their vocational abilities but also through their ability to relate to other human beings and have fruitful contacts with them. As self-development proceeds, barriers fall; fear of others, and fear of oneself in connection with others vanishes, and therefore true relatedness becomes possible.


The Link Between the Main Image, Repressed Needs, and Defenses

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 93  |  November 24, 1961

The child in you resists growth, desires to remain immature, and is burdened with unworkable wrong conclusions and destructive defense mechanisms. Without the pseudo-solutions and defenses, a part of you believes itself lost and endangered. To let go of that which seems to you the very protection you seek causes the psyche to resist. Yet such states of struggle are not due entirely to the resistance to growth and change and to the fear of letting go of familiar, although defective, behavior patterns.



Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 39  |  November 11, 1958

I promised you that tonight I would continue my discussion of image-finding. A few facts are important for pursuing a diligent search. What I say here will not mean very much to those who still feel reluctant about embarking on this path and who merely listen to these words. Perhaps they will gain a little more understanding of the Pathwork principles. These glimpses may eventually open the door for the active, personal search so necessary for complete purification, to voluntarily step across the threshold from the darkness into the light. I beg any of you who has not started yet, but is willing, to ask one of the people of the inner group to work with you, for it cannot be done alone. Arrangements will be made; guidance will come. Anyone truly desirous of spiritual growth will find help; of that you can be sure.