

The Spiritual and the Practical Meaning of “Let Go, Let God”

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 213  |  September 19, 1973

Letting go obviously means letting go of the limited ego with its selfwill, its narrow understanding and its preconceptions. It means letting go of fears, distrust, misconceptions, and suspicion. But it also means letting go of the insistent attitude that says, in effect, “I can be happy only if so and so does thus and thus, or if life responds exactly as I determine.”


Questions and Answers

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 67  |  June 10, 1960

QUESTION: In the last lecture you said in connection with raised consciousness that we will no longer be frightened of bad people. But how can I not be frightened of murders, hold-ups, and all such doings? This is still reality. We still feel the effect of all this.