Vicious cycle


(The Way to Handle) Alternation of Expansive and Contracting States

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 187  |  December 04, 1970

Expansion takes place when a positive, open, committed, honest, loving, giving attitude exists. When the good feelings and thoughts create a corresponding attitude in life, they influence actions, behavior, responses, reactions, emanation and deeds. Such an attitude brings forth desirable experience, fulfillment, pleasure, bliss and abundance in all respects of life wherever this attitude holds true.


Spiritual Laws

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 171  |  February 01, 1969

In the course of giving these lectures, the Guide has often referred to spiritual laws. In February 1969, Eva decided to compile some of the basic laws to give us further understanding of these very important concepts.


Fear of Self—Giving and Receiving

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 155  |  October 13, 1967

In order to become what you truly are, the fundamental prerequisite is fearlessness. Overcoming fear of self is the key. Every kind of fear amounts, in the last analysis, to fear of self; for if there were no fear of your innermost self, you could not possibly fear anything in life. In fact, you could not even fear death.