Posts Tagged: Beth Hedquist

Have You Ever Seen Through the Eyes of Your Heart?

The love of the universe is in every pore of your being. It is in every particle of your psychic process.   Pathwork Lecture 206 by Beth Hedquist—Sacred Discoveries  | Feb 4, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments I have a special friend. We began as acquaintances, because our daughters were good friends. Eventually we began to…

The Gateway to Gratitude

No matter where you are, my friends, no matter what your current condition or circumstances are, no matter how you feel, if the now is thoroughly faced, not run away from, it yields a wealth of beautiful energy, life substance, and joyfulness. Pathwork Lecture #150 It’s almost Thanksgiving again. Time for the G-word. Yes, Gratitude. Gratitude…

Pilgrimage: A Call to Compassion

Reposted from Sacred Discoveries Pathwork by Beth Hedquist | Oct 22, 2015 | Pilgrimage | 2 comments The Basilica of St Francis of Assisi. “The flight from death and suffering causes flight from life and pleasure, often inadvertently. No matter how much one may strive for joyful participation in life and pleasure, when one consciously or…