Posts Categorized: President’s Blog

The Spiritual Law of Responsibility—In a Nutshell

The Pathwork Guide tells us that spiritual laws affect us in exactly the same way that a law, like the law of gravity, affects us. They determine exactly what we will experience on the physical plane in this life. Watch me and Kathleen Fisher discuss the spiritual law of responsibility in this short video. We…

The Spiritual Law of Magnetism—In a Nutshell

The Pathwork Guide tells us that spiritual laws affect us in exactly the same way that a law, like the law of gravity, affects us. They determine exactly what we will experience on the physical plane in this life. Watch me and Kathleen Fisher discuss the spiritual law of magnetism in this short video. We…

The Spiritual Law of Abundance—In a Nutshell

The Pathwork Guide tells us that spiritual laws affect us in exactly the same way that a law, like the law of gravity, affects us. They determine exactly what we will experience on the physical plane in this life. Watch me and Kathleen Fisher discuss the spiritual law of abundance in this short video. We…

More Thoughts on Assessing the Implications of One Aspect of The Guide’sTeachings on Homosexuality

By Paul Paquette, President of the International Pathwork Foundation In the December 2020 edition of this newsletter, I wrote about the fact that the Board of the International Pathwork Foundation had invited helpers and other community leaders to discern how to respond to criticism of the Guide’s treatment of homosexuality, particularly lecture 53 where the Guide discusses…

America Calls for a Spiritual Awakening

The polarization of political debate today calls on all people of good will to see what can be done to forge common ground. That common ground is, for Pathworkers and other people of good will, based on spiritual principles. Spiritual principles, at their most basic, are about the connectedness of all creation. We are inextricably…

Three R’s Revisited

I hate rules and regulations! As a businessman, I was frequently irritated when financial regulators overseeing my financial services business (SEC, Department of Labor, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) required an honest person, such as me, to spend significant time and money complying with regulations when I had no intention of doing anything but serving my…

Crisis of Leadership: Where to Begin?

  In a recent World Economic Forum survey 86% of the respondents reported they believe there is a leadership crisis in the world today. Given the challenging problems everywhere, this is no surprise. One of the leadership skills most lacking is self-knowledge. In fact, many experts believe that insufficient self-knowledge is the most common cause of…

Politics as Spiritual Practice

by Beth Hedquist | Jul 20, 2016 | Spiritual Practices, Trust Your Heart | 0 comments This presidential election cycle has been a very INTERESTING time. Not necessarily in a positive way, but it definitely has not been a ho-hum run of the mill election. Tensions are stoked on both sides, the world in general…

Is Boredom a Boring Blog Post?

by Beth Hedquist | Jul 5, 2016 | Aliveness, Trust Your Heart | 0 comments Summer brings back memories of childhood — times when the days were long and warm, the pace slower, and the world simpler. The structure and responsibility of school, homework, and extracurricular activities was temporarily replaced by the joy of chasing…

Spritual Practices for the “Meditationally Challenged”

by Beth Hedquist | Jun 6, 2016 | Aliveness, Spiritual Practices | 0 comments I have long considered myself a very committed student of personal and spiritual development, placing my spiritual growth as the number one priority in my life. At the beginning of my spiritual journey, it didn’t take long to realize that everyone…

The Vase

Copyright Contributed by Paulo Peixoto—Translated by Gustavo Monteiro—Pathwork Online (Portuguese) Look at the broken vase as if it were already whole (again) Joan and Agamemnon had a complicated relationship. Agamemnon was a dedicated, zealous man, with great capacity for giving, but very controlling. He really wished that everybody was very happy, but—with a narrow view of reality—he…

The Good Samaritan

copyright From Pathwork Online by Paulo Peixoto and translated by Gustavo Monteiro My favorite parable is that of the Good Samaritan. On one occasion an expert in the law stood up and asked Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” Jesus replied. “How do…

Reconciling Spiritual & Material Life

How to reconcile material life with spiritual life? Contributed by Paulo Peixoto, April, 2016—Pathwork Canada   This is an issue that concerns many people. Amid so much to do, there seems to be no room for moments of prayer, meditation, introspection, sharing. Some people feel in their hearts a deep yearning for a meaningful spiritual journey,…

Are You Ready to Live Your Life as Light?

by Beth Hedquist | Apr 13, 2016 | Facing Your Fears, Online Course, Your Journey Are You Ready to Live Your Life as Light? Recently I attended an evening where Arun Gandhi, grandson of the great Mahatma Gandhi, was speaking as part of his “Live Your Life as Light” tour. It was an extremely inspiring…

Dying into Life: What Is a Mystery School?

Contributed by Darlene Rollins From a very young age I was a seeker needing answers to the big questions of LIFE. I needed to know, “What is it all about?” Life has to mean something, suffering must have a purpose. Otherwise how is it worth living? Yet in the face of the grandeur and beauty of…

Where to Look?

Contributed by Gustavo —Pathwork Online We all know that there is no point in looking for something we have lost at a different place from where we lost it, just because the lighting is better or the environment is friendlier there. People make jokes about drunks who do just that. And yet many of us,…

Have You Ever Seen Through the Eyes of Your Heart?

The love of the universe is in every pore of your being. It is in every particle of your psychic process.   Pathwork Lecture 206 by Beth Hedquist—Sacred Discoveries  | Feb 4, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments I have a special friend. We began as acquaintances, because our daughters were good friends. Eventually we began to…

Evil and the Immigrants

  If evil comes into the country by way of immigrants, who may be terrorists – and evil is defined here as the willingness to commit acts of violence in the public square – it should and must be resisted – but not primarily in the way that most presidential candidates are suggesting. The Pathwork…

The Power of Thanksgiving

The grace of God is.  It exists at all times, penetrating all that is. Pathwork Lecture #250 Copyright: imstocks / 123RF Stock Photo Surveying world events—economic, political, environmental—can become depressing. It is easy to overlook the good things happening and the countless reasons for being grateful. At this time of year many cultures and spiritual…

The Gateway to Gratitude

No matter where you are, my friends, no matter what your current condition or circumstances are, no matter how you feel, if the now is thoroughly faced, not run away from, it yields a wealth of beautiful energy, life substance, and joyfulness. Pathwork Lecture #150 It’s almost Thanksgiving again. Time for the G-word. Yes, Gratitude. Gratitude…

Pilgrimage: A Call to Compassion

Reposted from Sacred Discoveries Pathwork by Beth Hedquist | Oct 22, 2015 | Pilgrimage | 2 comments The Basilica of St Francis of Assisi. “The flight from death and suffering causes flight from life and pleasure, often inadvertently. No matter how much one may strive for joyful participation in life and pleasure, when one consciously or…

Try This for a Change

Reposted from With so many global conflicts – over resources, territory and ideology plus increasing disputes about inequality, cronyism and climate change – it’s time we find ways to reconcile differences and discover solutions. Greater empathy, for real or imagined adversaries, is a good place to start. Empathy is the ability to understand and…