Pathwork Lectures 1996 Ed.

The 1996 Edition, which contains 258 lectures, some of which were transcribed from question and answer sessions, has been edited to simplify the complex language structure in which the original lectures were created. Eva’s native tongue was German and her sentence structure reflected this, sometimes resulting in awkward English usage. This edition also eliminates what can be seen as sexist terminology, common in the period of transmission of the material but not accepted in practice today and, in general, simplifies the language where to do so will not interfere with the meaning of the lecture itself.


The Evolution and Spiritual Meaning of Marriage—New Age Marriage

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 251  |  May 17, 1978

During the many centuries of its existence, humanity has developed in many areas. Let us consider marriage. Under standing its evolution thus far will open your vision to the future. You will view the current attitude toward this institution with the larger picture in mind. History can be properly understood only when the spiritual meaning that underlies earthly events is gleaned.


Privacy and Secrecy

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 252  |  June 14, 1978

Today I wish to explore the concepts of privacy and secrecy. Much confusion exists about these two concepts. This confusion fosters the forces of evil and prevents you from fulfilling all your needs and attaining true expansion. It also makes closeness and intimacy impossible, and closeness is surely one of your legitimate needs. So is privacy. If privacy and secrecy are being confused, either the need for closeness or the need for privacy must be shortchanged.


Continue Your Struggle and Cease All Struggle

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 253  |  September 20, 1978

I would like to discuss a particular aspect of this transformation of consciousness, giving special emphasis to what was previously discussed only in general. Humanity’s greatest imprisonment, from which stems all fear and pain and suffering, is the duality in which the human mind is entangled. The mass mind then builds an environment and creates conditions that express this bent of consciousness. It is perhaps the most difficult task of the evolutionary journey to penetrate this seeming reality, namely, that the world is dualistic.



Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 254  |  October 18, 1978

You often use the word “surrender.” You sense that this word contains an important aspect of spiritual fulfillment. Yet there is also a great deal of confusion attached to this word which needs to be explored. Human beings who are incapable of surrendering cannot find their core, or their divine nature, cannot love, and cannot truly learn and grow. They are very stiff, defended and closed. Yet the ability to surrender is an essential inner movement from which all good can flow.


The Birthing Process—Cosmic Pulse

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 255  |  November 15, 1978

In this lecture I would like to discuss particularly a law of timing that applies to the development of every entity. You surely must have sensed this law and may even know about it vaguely. But it is important that you thoroughly understand it. According to this law a certain necessary time sequence exists on an individual’s path.


Inner Space, Focused Emptiness

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 256  |  June 13, 1978

We have occasionally discussed this inner landscape. I have made mention of the inner space that is the real world. The term “inner space” is used quite frequently in your world these days, as opposed to outer space. Most human beings think of inner space as merely a symbolic description of a person’s state of mind. This is not so.


Aspects of the New Divine Influx: Communication, Group Consciousness, Exposure

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 257  |  January 10, 1979

In this lecture I would like to speak about some significant aspects of the New Age. This term has been used a lot recently by certain groups of people. Some use it with correct understanding, some manage to make it into a cliche. This, however, is unavoidable; it happens with all concepts of truth, because of a human tendency to be glib and lazy and to label, so as to avoid feeling the reality of a specific truth. But those who do not fall into this trap should not give up altogether using a term that conveys a true concept.


Personal Contact With Jesus Christ—Positive Aggression—The Real Meaning of Salvation

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 258  |  January 10, 1979

If you seriously long, pray, and search for a realization of Jesus Christ’s personal love for you, the answers will come forth. Perhaps you will not recognize the first answers as such. They may have something to do with specific barriers that prevent you from this experience, this reality. They may bring up new, or again old, material on your path that you need to work on for your purification. These are the answers! Once the barriers begin to crumble, you will experience what it means to feel Jesus Christ’s personal love for you.