

The Language of the Unconscious

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 124  |  May 01, 1964

Whatever is hidden from awareness continues to govern you without your being able, through your reason, to change it. Hence it is of utmost importance to detect such hidden erroneous outlooks.


Spiritual and Emotional Health Through Restitution for Real Guilt

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 109  |  December 07, 1962

The most difficult thing for a human being is to face the lower self, and it is in connection with the lower self that real guilt exists. You go to any length to avoid facing the lower self. Perhaps you are capable and willing to face parts of it, yet certain other parts you are absolutely unwilling to accept.


Self-Alienation and the Way Back to the Real Self

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 95  |  January 05, 1962

Let us first understand the human struggle as such. The very state of being human is a problem because you find yourself in an in-between state. You have awakened from a lower state, a plant or animal form where you were in a state of being and in harmony, but without awareness. You have not yet reached a state of being in harmony with awareness. This in-between state is the human struggle, . . .


God: The Creation

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 20  |  January 01, 1958

I want to stress that there is no coincidence here; none of you have been drawn to this community by chance, not even those who come here once and do not stay because they lack either the spiritual maturity to understand what is going on, or because they do not want to develop spiritually and walk this path of perfection for which a continuous supply of spiritual food is necessary.