Power drive


The Next Phase on the Path: Questions and Answers

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 87  |  June 09, 1961

Some of you have wondered why at the beginning my talks were of a more spiritual nature, while lately the emphasis has been more psychological. Although you all realize by now that true spiritual development cannot occur without clearing up distorted emotions, your knowledge is still largely theoretical and not yet conducive to a true understanding.


Love, Power, Serenity as Divine Attribute and as Distortions

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 84  |  April 28, 1961

The attitudes of submissiveness, aggressiveness, and withdrawal are the distortions of love, power, and serenity. I would now like to speak in detail about how they work in the psyche, how they form a supposed solution, and how the dominant attitude creates dogmatic, rigid standards that are then incorporated in the idealized self-image.