

Infinite Possibilities of Experience Hindered by Emotional Dependency

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 157  |  November 10, 1967

When one speaks about God’s infinity or about Creation’s infinity, this is part of the meaning. There is no state of being, no experience, no situation, no concept, no feeling, no object that does not already exist. Everything in the world exists in a state of potentiality which already contains the finished product within it.


Limitations Created Through Illusory Alternatives

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 128  |  October 30, 1964

Imagine wide open spaces, containing all the beauty of the world, all that an individual could possibly require for his or her enjoyment. But people do not see these wide open spaces. They do not see the powers, forces, assets, beauties surrounding them.


Wishful Daydreams

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 98  |  February 16, 1962

From our vantage point, we see you barricading yourselves behind a wall of separateness. This wall is a useless and illusory form of self-protection. In the last analysis it is simply a barricade against happiness and freedom. So, my friends, realize for all time that the goal of dissolving your obstructions is to enable you to enter the great flow of the eternal current. The ultimate reason for living is to make your life meaningful, but without being merged into this current this cannot happen.


Questions and Answers

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 79  |  February 03, 1961

QUESTION: What is the meaning of the Way of the Cross, its principles and its course of actions? How is it comparable to the Eastern concept, the one that follows the Buddha?