

The Anatomy of Contraction

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 235  |  November 19, 1975

The path is a spiral movement. You know this. You have heard this and experienced it. Each round of the spiral is a new layer, and at the entrance of each round a new and deeper commitment needs to be made. The rounds or circles are not closed, they have openings. As you discover a new opening, you need to make a new commitment, on a yet deeper level: to let go and to let God; to give all of yourself to the truth—to the truth of being—to no longer hide from your truth.


Commitment: Cause and Effect

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 196  |  December 17, 1971

You can never measure yourself against others. Where you are now may be just right for you. It may be exactly where you have to be. When you know this, you will feel bright and hopeful. Others who find themselves at the identical inner crossroads may lag behind on their personal path.