

The Meaning of Evil and Its Transcendence

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 184  |  September 11, 1970

In this dualistic approach you become split within yourself, for you reject a whole part of yourself that is the source of essential, potent creative energy without which you can never be a full human being. Your sense of awareness dims as you repress the undesirable part of yourself. The less aware you are, the weaker you become, and therefore more confused and less able to solve this, or any other problem.


Displacement, Substitution, Superimposition

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 121  |  January 10, 1964

As you know from my previous talks, each emotion, each feeling, each thought, each attitude, each need is an energy-current. There are many different types of energy, corresponding to the type of feeling or need. The integrated individual with a full rich life expresses a variety of needs and feelings — not just a few.