Spiritual Meaning


The Spiritual Meaning of Political Systems

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 242  |  June 02, 1976

For this lecture I have announced a somewhat unusual topic, but you will see that it fits into the sequence of lectures and has its integral meaning in your own process, both as individuals and as a community. The topic is the spiritual meaning of political systems. I will speak about the best known political systems on your earth plane at this point in your evolution. I shall explain the divine origin of each of these systems and the distortions in each. I will then show you how every one of these systems, in their divine as well as in their distorted manifestations, is a reality of your internal world.


The Spiritual Meaning of Crisis

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 183  |  June 05, 1970

Crisis in any form attempts to break down old structures based on false conclusions and therefore on negativity. Crisis shakes loose ingrained, frozen habits so that new growth becomes possible. It tears down and breaks up, which is momentarily painful, but transformation is unthinkable without it.


The Path: Initial Steps, Preparation, and Decisions

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 25  |  March 14, 2013

Everybody knows that it is important to be a decent person, not to commit so-called sins, to give love, to have faith, and to be kind to others. However, this is not enough. In the first place, knowing all this and actually being able to act on it are two different stories. You may be able by voluntary action to refrain from committing a crime such as stealing or killing, but you cannot possibly force yourself to feel that you do not want to harm anybody, ever. You may act kindly toward another, but you cannot force yourself to feel kindly. Neither can you force yourself to have love in your heart or to have real faith in God. Whatever pertains to emotions is not dependent upon your direct actions or even on your thoughts. Changing your feelings requires the slow process of self-development and self-recognition.